Sanna Leinonen, kommunikatiossexpert, tfn 0295 163 136. social- och hälsovårdstjänster. Tuulia Nieminen, kommunikationsexpert, tfn 050 


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Ettevõttes töötavad pikaajalise töökogemusega raamatupidajad, kes osutavad raamatupidamist väga erineva tegevusvaldkonnaga tegelevatele ettevõtetele. I specialize in ready-made companies, accounting, consultation and searching of business subcontractors. My LinkedIn profile is here. Ilkka Leinonen Market-  Feb 9, 2021 Having a Master`s degree in economics, business management or CV Keskus' client Leinonen OÜ is part of an international accounting,  LEINONEN OÜ on registreeritud 25.02.1998. Ettevõtte staatus on aktiivne. Ettevõttes töötas 2019. aastal 41 inimest.

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mira ehitusmaterjalid oü. •. 32K views 5 years Tuomas Leinonen. Tuomas Leinonen. Write country, city or address name(s). (for multiple markers/addresses use "," as separator for example: Finland, Tallinn, Random street 5) NB!

Byrån ägs av en finsk aktör och har totalt 200 medarbetare fördelat på 14 kontor i 12 länder. Verksamheten i Estland har cirka 40 anställda. Nästa steg blir att tillsammans med Leinonen implementera systemet till flera av deras kunder.

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Ligger i närheten. Eesti Arhitektide Liit. Põhja puiestee 27a, 10415 Tallinn, Estland. - / -. 76 m. Guide Marketing OÜ. Põhja puiestee 25, 10415 Tallinn, Estland.

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Write country, city or address name (s).

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Tema positiivse eluhoiaku taga on lahedad mõtted, head ideed, kiire tegutsemine, meeldiv suhtlemine. Kõik sujub väga hästi – Liina on oma teadmiste ja oskustega tõeline professionaal. See more of AP Raamatupidaja on Facebook. Log In. or Helenurm OÜ Raamatupidamisteenused.

(for multiple markers/addresses use "," as separator for example: Finland, Tallinn, Random street 5) NB! Check address on Google Maps for correct address & spelling (in english): Põhja pst. 25.
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Leinonen Group. 93 likes · 1 talking about this. Leinonen Group is an internationally established accountancy and advisory firm with 25 years of knowledge and experience. We have 14 offices in 12

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267, 9 Kilpua, 10 Kilpua, 11 Korven, 12 Lattunen, 13 Lehtola, 14 Asunmaa, 15 Perälehto, 16 Haapamaa, 17 Lehtimaa, 18 Leinonen, 19 Arvola, 

+ 372 6117 700. Write country, city or address name (s).

Leinonen OÜ: Hedy Kohv: Kalevi Veekeskus OÜ: Heigo Kaldra: ManPower: Helena Almqvist: PROTEX: Inga Allik: IMG Numeri OÜ: Jan Einar Stølan: Nordic Houses: Jürgo Preden: Thinnect: Jüri Ploom: Pohla & Hallmägi: Knut Walbækken: Norwegian Embassy: Kristi Mäeorg: ADB Gjensidige Eesti fliaal: Kristi Pool: Helmes: Kristiina Koel: Orkla Accounting Centre: Maia-Leena Varjun: Sundt EFS OÜ

Estonia Tax Adviser Grant Thornton Baltic - Estonia Jan 2010 - Sep 2018 8 years 9 months. Tax Adviser (Oue et al., 2015) and co-exist with rimed snowflakes. Another approach to estimate the riming extent of snowflak es is the use of Doppler velocity measured by v ertically Find reviews, opening hours, photos & videos for Leinonen OÜ - Accountants in Tallinn. TEL: 6117 Search on Infobel for other companies in the category Accountants in Tallinn. Leinonen Estonia Accounting City Centre, Tallinn 115 followers Contact our Tallinn office for expert solutions personalised for your business in Estonia. Leinonen OÜ (Estonia) Aug 2014 – Present 5 years 4 months. Tallinn.

2019. aasta müügitulu oli 2 259 103 eurot. Leinonen OÜ Dec 2017 - Present 3 years 4 months. Tallinn, Estonia Chief Accountant R-Kiosk Estonia AS Jun 2011 - Nov 2017 6 Grant Thornton Rimess OÜ. The tax advisory services of Grant Thornton in specific tax issues as well as for everyday business operations are available to both local and international customers. We provide advice in income tax, value-added-tax and other tax issues to customers in both the public and the private sector. Write country, city or address name(s).